Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Holy One Loves US

The following are quotes from the "Rabbi's son" Torah teachings on the Parsha Acharei Mot Leviticus 16:1 - 18:30. I trust you will be blessed by the teachers words of widsom.

The Holy One knows us intimately and loves us passionately One-on-one, of course. He pursues us gently and woos us lovingly and redeems us powerfully as individuals.

He took special care to create each and every one of us to be unique and special and to relate to Him in a way no other human being could ever do.

Each of us is therefore truly His "favorite" in some way.

Each of us is designed to be a "private garden" for Him, uniquely qualified to enjoy a rich full, intimate one-on-one relationship with Him at a level no one else can experience.

As amazing as that is, however, we are discovering that His love for us as individuals is by no means the end of the story.

Behold -- there is an even greater mystery.

He also sees us all as something more than individuals. He also sees us as part of a potentially great - indeed world changing -- collective entity.

Thus while He knows, watches over, protects, blesses, and trains as a son [or daughter] each and every one of us individually, He also sees all who are in covenant with Him - be we natural or en-grafted branches -- as part of a very special am [i.e., people-group], mamleket [i.e., kingdom] and goy [i.e., a nation].

He sees us collectively as the mysterious "offspring" of Avraham to which He mysteriously alluded in Genesis 12:7."

"and you must not live like they do in the land of Kena'an, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices [either]." Leviticus 18:3b

The Holy One thus makes it clear He does not want His Beloved Bride to conform to the baseness of any society on earth.

We are to be noticeably different from all other people-groups in the world.

We are from another kingdom altogether.

We are not to think, speak, dress, or spend time or money or energy like the Egyptians or the Kena'ani - or any other culture we encounter.

Torah is to be our passion, our lifestyle, our Constitution, our entertainment, our recreation, and our reason to live. It is to define what we think about, what we talk about, what we eat, what we wear, what we drink, how we educate our children, how we make a living, how we develop our self-esteem, how we interact with our families, when and why we get together with person outside our families, and even where we live.

We are, therefore, not to imitate - act and talk like - the people we see on television, in movies, or in music videos, in fashion shows.

We are not to be "wanna-bees" of any other culture."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Anyone for vegatables, fruits and nuts

My world of eating has seen a lot of changes since early February. My psoriasis had gotten so bad that both my chest and back were over 80% covered along with my legs, knees and elbows. If you have not experienced psoriasis it itches and your skin is dry a scaly, quite miserable. I started looking on the internet for a natural way to rid myself of the pest; I already knew that I did not want to take the medication that would temporarily clear it up. I had taken it four years ago and the side effects of the first dose was enough for me.

I found an e-book "Psoriasis: Spot Free in 30 Days" that outlined the food triggers that caused the onset for a lot of people. There also were some suggested eating plans for a 30 day clearing of the pest. All my favorite foods had to be temporarily removed from the food list. No white potatoes, no wheat products, no red meat, no night shade vegetables, no coke or sodas and the list went on. What I could eat was vegetables, fruit, lamb, fish, sweet potatoes and a few other things I like. After 30 dyas I still had some of the psoriasis, but it was definitely clearing. I was only itching a little and I knew that I was headed in the right direction. I was feeling excellent and not getting tired in the mid afternoons. My taste buds were changing and potato chips (my former favorite food) no longer tasted good. Progress was being made.

Because of the side effects that I had been reading about connected with the medication I have been taking for over four years for diabetes, I started looking for nutritional supplements that would duplicate the results without the dangerous side effects. I found one that looked OK and purchased a bottle. For the first few days I stayed on the meds along with the supplement. Gradually leaving the meds behind, I went totally with the supplement on the 6th of March. I have since changed to another supplement that has a better mix of nutrients and herbs that is working very well. My readings are as good as with the medication and I do not have to make sure I eat enough to keep my glucose level high enough at certain times of the day.

Mid March brought to us more knowledge that went right along with the direction we were going. We had the opportunity of having Paul Nison speak here in Kingman about Biblical eating and a raw daylight eating lifestyle. We purchased one of his books and a DVD entitled "Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 days". The DVD was quite challenging. On the heels of eating a diet of at least 80% vegetables, fruits and nuts, mostly raw already to clear the Psoriasis, it seemed like a workable idea. Working toward a totally raw diet of vegetables, fruits and nuts is a process that will take years. I feel that is the direction that Carla and I are headed very gradually.

Currently I am eating probably 60% raw vegetables, fruit and nuts. The other 40% is eggs, fish, a little red meat or lamb, cooked vegetables, a little bit of bread (now that we have finished the week of unleavened bread) , and few white potatoes. The goal is to gradually move toward 100% raw, but that may take several years.

On the 8th I went to Prescott for my appointment with Dr. Fiscus, my Holistic Doctor. This is the doctor that about four yers ago said he had never seen anyone sicker than I was. His report is that I am fungus free still and making tremendous progress. He was pleased to hear that I had stopped the diabetic medicatioan and gone completely with nutritiona supplements. He looked over the mixture of the suppliment that I added and felt that they would not cause a problem with the other suppliments I am taking. He was satisfied that my glocuse readings were OK for this point in time. I will go back to Prescott again in six weeks for the Doctor to evaluate the changes and adjust my supplements again.

My taste buds are definitely enjoying the raw foods and I am feeling more alert during my waking hours.

If you are interested in the raw food lifestyle here are some links.

If you do a Google search for raw food there is an abundance of information available.