Sunday, January 10, 2010

Service With A Smile...

So, as some of you may know, I recently got hired at McDonalds. Then, through a series of peculiar events, I got hired at Safeway (the old one) and quit McDonalds before I even began. So far, I am very happy with this happening. I have only worked at Safeway for two days now, but I have already learned a few things.

1. Nearly every customer has either a bag of potatoes or tomatoes.

2. Only the nicest customers accept help with their bags

3. The orange cart vest really does get you noticed

I also learned that a smile really does help things. People respond a lot to a smiling face! Oh, and keeping carts out of the parking lot is a loooong battle. Never won. Occasionly held off for a few moments. Literally. You look out at the parking lot, proudly, because every cart is where it is supposed to be, then, you blink a few times and BAM! There all out of place!

Oh, and puppies outside? Not a good time. People who give puppies away outside? Super in the way! Honestly. But oh well, at least the puppies were cute :)

So all in all, I like my job! I like categorizing things in my brain and trying to bag everything before the order is paid for. And I like saying "Hi, how are you!" to every single customer. I especially like it when people accept carryout service! Then, I get to hear their entire life story, and normally, it is pretty interesting!

Oh - just to let you know - electric carts are SLOOOWWW! Try riding one of those back up to where it belongs! You feel like you will never reach your destination. And going over speed bumps on those bad boys is pretty interesting.

So, two days in, and I still enjoy it, hopefully it stays that way!

1 comment:

  1. Haa. I want to see you drive one of the motorized carts. I might even start shopping at your store so you can carry my groceries out. :)
