Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chocolate Chip Dream Bars

Light on the chocolate chips, heavy on the dream. I've never been much of a cook. Ask Hannah, she can explain to me how to cook something over and over, yet whenever she wants me to cook it by myself, she always gets the same answer - "I don't know how." Cooking really just isn't my thing. However, baking is one thing I consider myself good at. Or at least I used to. My chocolate chip cookies are not amazing, but they're edible. My brownies taste great, or at least I think so. And I have been able to successfully bake a few cakes in my lifetime.
Well, the other day, I was given the recipe and a sample of "Chocolate Chip Dream Bars" from a friend. It was DELICIOUS and didn't seem that difficult, so I decided I would try to make it. So I turned on my music (I can't bake without music) and got out all my ingredients. I thought it was going perfectly well, and they didn't look half bad when I took them out of the oven to cool. Later however, when I went to remove them from the pan it occurred to me that it may have been helpful to spray the pan. Maybe.
They were basically hopelessly stuck within the pan, and the only thing I managed to accomplish while trying to remove them was getting chocolate crumbs on myself and the floor. Curiously, I forked a bit off the top, deciding that I at least should see how they tasted. One word. Eggy. One more word. Gross. Apparently, I am not a baker either, and I mournfully managed to scrape all the so called dream bars into the trash can.

Then, the worst thing happened. My grandpa came out and said "I could have sworn I smelt brownies or something!"
I looked sadly around the dirty kitchen and floor and said "Nope. Nothing here."
Then I had to sweep.


  1. And the saddest part about it was there were utensils and pans to wash but no cookies to show for it. Oh well, there's always next time Megan

  2. that so sucks. you should come bake with me and we will make delicious treats together. Chris said your picture looks like tree bark or poop, lol.

  3. we can make cookies at christmas :)
