Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Angel food Shepherd

"Will you seperate half the angel food cake cubes?"
"Oh sure. I would LOVE to."
"Be careful."
"Be careful? Did you just tell me to be careful with the angel food cake cubes? Like I'm some kind of monster? Some, some angel food cake hurter?" (Said 'hurter' as 'herder') "Haha. Herder. Haha. I'M A SHEPHERD!" Uncontrollable giggles.
"I went from angel food cake to a shepherd!"
I believe I may have problems...

Hannah decided to make a fancy dessert. We bought ingredients for it a very long time ago. Unfortunately, we ate the yummy ingredients already, so we had to buy more. So we were making this cool angel food cake berry whip cream pudding orange juice almond extract thing, that i'm sure has a simplier name that i am currently not aware of. It was of course messy business.

First, I was incredibly frustrated with the frozen berries that were supposed to be thawed out. Wait no. FIRST I was frustrated with the sister who forgot her credit card at the store. Anyways, then came the frozen berries.

It basically took FOREVER to thaw them out (using the microwave). Then, hannah let me make pudding!
I have never made pudding before. It was a very exciting experience! Did you know that pudding starts all liquidy and gross and then after you stir it for two minutes and your carpeltunnel wrist is screaming at you, it turns into a pudding-ish consistency? It was pretty mind boggling to me in that moment. Pudding will forever be magic in my mind.

Speaking of magic, I'm very upset that I never bought tickets for Harry Potter, so I will have to wait forever to see it. : /

Back to angel food cake. Hannah started putting it all together, and while she did this I went over to the whip cream, and decided to swipe some. The closest thing to me was the measuring spoons, so I grabbed it and used the one on top to scoop some up. It didn't occur to me that the measuring spoon on top was probably the one Hannah used. Here's a little tip - almond extract is not very tasty. I immediatly reacted to the gross taste in my mouth, and Hannah of course laughed at me for my stupidity.

Here is the "going into the fridge before the whip cream got put on it" picture

So, five hours later, the family sat down and was ready to eat the dessert. I took it out of the fridge, threw a BUNCH more whip cream on it (who doesn't love whip cream?) and served it. It wasn't the prettiest presentation, but it sure was yummy :) Everyone consoled themselves with the fact that everything in it was very low calorie as they went up for seconds. Silly me, all the "in the making of" pictures, i forgot to take the finished product picture with all the whip cream. But here is what was left after the family got it

Thanks for making us such a delicious dessert Hannah!


  1. That was a really yummy dessert. Thanks girls!

  2. i can't wait for hannah to come visit and make me tasty desserts!
