Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ages 4 and Up

It's official. There is nothing more exciting than playing with something that is for ages 4 and up. What is this magnificent toy that will probably keep me busy for hours? The Twirl O Paint. I remember having one when i was little, but we always used marker. Then, as the years went on, since it had been around already for years and years, it started acting up, and as all things eventually do, it died. So my life has been Twirl O Paint free until tonight!Dad bought a new one! Well not new. It is super old, but he did something with the wires and baking soda that made it work! And it was brought to my attention that it isn't called the Twirt O Marker. So I pulled out our big bucket of paint and got busy. It was the most exciting thing of my life. Even more exciting than when my soup turned to pudding when we made dessert (read older post)
I was enthralled, and started perfecting my pictures. I'm basically positive by midnight I will be pro. Hannah unfortunately did not join the fun, but merely gave me a "you really need to start acting your age" look when I proudly showed her my first picture. I admit, it is a bit five year oldish, but it is sooooo worth it!

Freeze Frame!

My first Creation
The second act of genius
The final, and my own personal favorite

Now, I need to cut more paper, find more paint, and have some more fun! Then, I will have a jolly good time cleaning up the huge mess I am sure to make!


  1. I purchased and repaired the Twirlo-Paint so that the grandchildren could experience all the fun that their mothers had as children. I did not realize that Megan was only "5" and would enjoy it so much. I shure hope it will last until all get a chance to play. Have a very Twirlo-Paint full Day.

  2. Ha. I totally loved ours when I was little. We could use it for HOURS. And not even with markers, with REAL PAINT! You should come set up my class with me tomorrow, Meg, the WONDERS that will behold you!!!!!

  3. Oh I totally would Nikki, but I have am meeting someone at Oak at 10:30. That is if I am able to tear myself away from the Twirl O Paint
