Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ring Ring!

So last night, I had a very traumatizing experience. I was at Oak Street Haven and I was ready to go. I called my dad's cell phone but there was no answer. Then I called our house phone. No answer. Then mom's cell phone. No answer. Dads again. Moms again. House again. FREAK OUT! I was pretty angry with them for not answering and then they showed up! So I got in the car and after telling them exactly how I felt about it, I got over it. But then, today, I got inspired and wrote a poem about it :)

When Parents Don't Answer Their Cell Phones
Ring, ring, ring, such an empty, disturbing sound
"You have reached my voice mail, which means I am not around"
Where are you mom? Where are you dad?
This makes me worried, upset and mad
If you leave the house, please take your phone
For you're supposed to use it when you're not at home
If you do not answer, I may start to stress
Why has your answer button been left unpressed?
Has something bad happened to you?
If you are dead, what will I do?
Wait, there's your car! And there you sit!
Completely oblivious to my worried fit!
You heard it ring, but didn't reach it in time?
Guess what! I called a second time!
Just take your phone out and call me back!
This will prevent my heart attack.
Oh mother, oh father, I'm glad all is well
But next time, please, just answer your cell!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Megan, how I love you. :)

    And, P.S., that COULD've been another "I should've called Nicole" moment.
