Sunday, August 16, 2009

Adventures of the Mind

Where do I begin? The stories are fascinating, beyond real, but not hallucinating. The nurses tell me that Helen was awake all night talking with David, some in New York but mostly in Boston. By the time we got there at 9 am she was sound asleep for the morning.

This afternoon She had great conversation, but we were not there to participate. By 5 PM when we arrived at the hospital she was sleeping. After several attempts we aroused Helen and most likely she knew we were there as she told us about the adventures of the afternoon. The Parkinson medication is capable of causing some very vivid dreams, thus most likely the source of her conversation topic. Dr. Dawn also told Carla that the vivid dreams and adventures are a part of hip fractures. For brief moments we could tell she was with us, though she is not sure where she is. When we ask her where she was we would never get a straight answer.

Carla tried to get her to eat some of her dinner, without success. Not even the cake. But when the nurse came in with some medication she took it just fine. They tell us she is a good pill taker.

Tomorrow Physical Therapy will be in to begin getting her up and walking some. Tuesday or Wednesday they will evaluate for acute rehab. Because of the Parkinson and dementia she may not be a candidate for the rehab program. We are trusting that she can go into the rehab program as the other choices are coming home or a facility (we do not consider that a choice)

Life right now is one day at a time.

It will be good to go to Israel in October for two weeks, we are almost ready to start counting the days till we leave. I think it is 46 now, we won't start counting until it is 30.

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